Happy New Year and welcome to the third quarter of our school year. Please remember to use this web page to keep your Special Education student and your family aware of events in our Special Education and Transition Planning program. The information contained on this webpage is specific to our students who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). We have strived to keep this page updated with important reminders and pertinent links to resources and forms that may assist you in learning more about the special services that RHS provides to your student.
Students will occasionally bring home important reminders and forms that require a signature by a parent or guardian, so please make sure to return all such documents as soon as possible. Please also contact your student's Care Coordinator (Teacher) whenever you have any questions or concerns. Mahalo, and let's all look forward to a great school year!
Important Dates
Jan 7 (Tue): Students return to school from Winter Break
Jan 20 (Mon): Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - no school
Jan 27 (Mon): Teachers' Professional Development - no school
Feb 14 (Fri): Teachers' Institute Day - no school
Feb 17 (Mon): Presidents' Day Holiday - no school
Mar 14 (Fri): End of 3rd Quarter
Mar 17 thru 21: Spring Break - no school
Alerts and Reminders
- Please continue to check this page regularly for updated news and reminders for our SpEd students and their families.
- In the case of an emergency, it is critical that Roosevelt have your most current contact information (email addresses, phone numbers, mailing addresses ) in our school computer system. Please click on the link below to access the Student Information Update Form. You should submit the completed and signed form, along with the required copies of proof of residency documents as noted on the form, to the Roosevelt Registrar's Office. Student Information Update Form.
- To report an absence, please email [email protected] by 9:00 am on the morning of your child's absence from school, or you may phone in the absence to (808)307-0539 and follow up with a written note on the day your child returns to school. For more information on attendance procedures at RHS, please see RHS Attendance Procedures.
- Latest DOH guidance for schools no longer COVID-specific. The State Department of Health (DOH) recently updated the respiratory safety guidance for K-12 schools. The new guidance is no longer specific to COVID-19, but reminds students and staff to stay home until fever-free for 24 hours after the fever ends (without fever-reducing medication) and all symptoms are improving. More updated information is forthcoming, but if you have any urgent questions or concerns, please contact HIDOE School Health Section at (808)305-9882.
What is Special Education (SpEd)?
Special Education is specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities. It may include but is not limited to: academic services, speech-language services, psychological services, physical and occupational therapy, counseling services, and parent education. Special education services are provided at no cost to parents.
The federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA) and state regulations require the Hawaii State Department of Education to provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE), which includes a continuum of services for students who are eligible for special education and related services.
Special education services are made available to any student ages 3 through 22 who demonstrates a need for specially designed instruction, after an eligibility determination. An evaluation will determine the nature and extent of the student's needs. Evaluations are comprised of separate assessments which may include: academic performance, communication skills, general intelligence, health, vision, hearing, social and emotional status, and motor abilities. If a student is eligible for special education, services are provided to the student through an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Click on the link below
What is Community Based Instruction (CBI)?
Diploma or Certificate - Which high school path is more appropriate for my child?
Please discuss any questions or concerns that you may have in this regard with our RHS administration.
What is Transition Planning?
Transition planning is a process by which students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) explore and decide what they will do after high school. It assists students and their parents/guardians in determining how they can reach their future goals as they prepare to become young adults. The RHS Transition Coordinator will ask students to complete an online interests and preferences survey which will serve as a starting point to discussions about their academic plans and career opportunities.
RHS College and Career Center
Visit the RHS College and Career Center website to access other tools and resources for the post high school journey. Click here for the link RHS College and Career Center
NEW Resource! Family Engagement Transition Toolkit
What is Transfer of Rights (TOR) at Age of Majority?