President Theodore Roosevelt High School

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Academic Departments

English 12 Staff
Fine Arts 8 Staff
Junior ROTC 2 Staff
Math 9 Staff
Science 6 Staff
Social Studies 9 Staff
Special Programs 10 Staff
World Languages 6 Staff

Educational Support

Academic 0 Staff
Counseling 9 Staff
Food Service 0 Staff
Library 1 Staff
Registrar 1 Staff

Track and Field/ Cross Country

Track and Field 2 Staff

Clubs, Student Government, Store

Class of 2024 1 Staff
Class of 2025 1 Staff
Class of 2026 2 Staff
Class of 2027 0 Staff
Clubs 0 Staff


About Us 0 Staff
About Us 02 0 Staff
Athletics 4 Staff
Bulletins 0 Staff
Community 0 Staff
Contact Us 0 Staff
Parents 0 Staff
Registration 0 Staff
Return to Learn 0 Staff
Students 0 Staff