President Theodore Roosevelt High School

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Attendance Procedures

Contact the Attendance Office at (808) 307-0539 -OR- [email protected]


§302A-1132  Attendance compulsory; exceptions.  (a)  Unless excluded from school or excepted from attendance, all children who will have arrived at the age of at least five years on or before July 31 of the school year, and who will not have arrived at the age of eighteen years, by January 1 of any school year, shall attend either a public or private school for, and during, the school year, and any parent, guardian, or other person having the responsibility for, or care of, a child whose attendance at school is obligatory shall send the child to either a public or private school.

To satisfy the requirements of HRS 302A-1132, schools shall take daily attendance.


To report an absence, please email [email protected] by 9:00 am on the morning of their absence. OR, you may call in the absence to 808-307-0539 followed by a written note on the day your child returns to school. All emails and notes are subject to verification with a call to the parent.


Email/Note should include:

  1. Child’s full legal name
  2. Date of absence
  3. Reason for absence
  4. Contact phone number of parent/guardian
  5. Parent/Guardian Name (Parent/Guardian signature required for written notes)


Schedule personal appointments (e.g. doctors, dentist, etc.) after school hours.

If your child needs to leave school early, please follow our Early Dismissal Procedures

Students may not leave school unless they have an off-campus pass issued by our main office.


All absences are truant unless an emailed note is received upon return to school. 

TRU or Truant absences, will record as a zero and teachers are not obligated to give missing work.


Vacation/Trip Policy:

Roosevelt High School highly encourages families to use scheduled intersessions, holidays and breaks for trips and personal business in order to ensure as much quality instructional time as possible. Trips taken during school days can be a disruption to learning and may negatively affect grades. Students who expect to be absent for 10 or more consecutive school days due to a trip are required to contact the school's registrar to disenroll. Students may be re-enrolled upon return with proper documentation (new/updated proof of residence will be required).

Looking for answers to your questions? Please refer to our comprehensive list of answers to most common questions that parents/students ask:

Q: What is the difference between an excused absence, unexcused absence, and truancy?

A: Absent means the student is not physically present in school or in a scheduled class for more than half of the school day or class period. For purposes of reporting Average Daily Attendance (ADA), no distinction is made between excused or unexcused absences.

Excused absence is when a written or doctor’s note is received within (5) school days upon a student's return to school. Reasons:

  1. School Suspensions – In school or out of school
  2. Illness or Injury - (a doctor’s note is required for 5 or more consecutive days)
  3. Doctor/Dental appointment verified by a doctor’s note (attach to email)
  4. Funeral/Death
  5. Court attendance verified by note from Court
  6. Religious holiday/observances
  7. Special cases approved by the Principal or designee

Unexcused absence is when a parent or guardian provides a note within 5 school days, but the reason for the absence is not considered excused. Reasons:

  1. Babysitting siblings or other children
  2. Caring for elderly or family member
  3. Entertaining visitors/guests
  4. Kept at home to clean for home inspections
  5. Family vacations (on/off island), trips
  6. Parent request without explanation
  7. Personal business
  8. Youth camp
  9. Sports competition events - (Non-RHS)
  10. Menstrual Cramps

Truant is when a student leaves campus or does not attend class without authorization from the school. Truancy is also when a student does not provide a written note (within 5 school days) from a parent or guardian upon his/her return to school. Truancy is similar to class cutting and leaving campus without consent. 

Q: Why is it so important to have a note? 

A: Having a note informs the school a parent/guardian is aware an absence occurred. In addition, a note enables students to get any assignments missed. The Attendance Office will record that a note was received in Infinite Campus. The absent mark will be changed from truant to either absent  excused or unexcused, according to the attendance policy. Work will not be provided to students who are truant. 

Q: Why is the note verified?

A: We understand it can be frustrating to receive a call to verify a note you have written. However, we must verify a parent/guardian is the person who has emailed the note and, in some cases, provide all necessary information to the attendance office.

Q: Why must the note be submitted within 5 days of returning to school?

A: It is important for students to receive their work, and for teachers to be able to grade the work, in a timely fashion. In addition, if a student is truant we will be able to address the situation much quicker.


Q: What if my child contacts me because my child is not feeling well in class?

A: Instruct your child to ask the teacher for a pass to the health room. The school health aide will assess and call you if your child needs to go home.

*Please do not pick up your child without signing your child out of school.

Q: I noticed on Infinite Campus my child’s absences have turned to truant (TRU) yet it has not been 5 days yet. What’s the deal with this?

A: Turning all absences to truancies (TRU) makes it easier for all to know a note has not been submitted to the attendance office. Once the note is submitted, and verified, the truant designation will be converted into an Excused or Unexcused absences.

Q: How will I be notified if my child is absent?

A: Parents can check Infinite Campus to see daily attendance. Teachers input attendance by 3:00pm daily. In addition, an automated call is made to the primary number listed in our system. If you see absences in Infinite Campus, but have not received a call you may want to check the following:

  1. Contact the Registrar’s Office  to make sure the number is correctly entered into our system.
  2. See if your phone has blocked Roosevelt’s phone number.
  3. Ensure your home phone is not forwarded to another phone during the time calls from the school typically go out.

Q: My child showed up to class, but was marked absent instead of tardy. Why was this the case?

A: Tardy is when a student arrives late to class with more than 50% of the class remaining. A student must be marked absent if he or she is late for over 50% of the class.

Q: My child is too sick to come to school, but I want them to keep up with work. Can I get my child’s homework?

A: If a student is absent from school for (3) or more consecutive days, the parent or guardian may request homework by calling/emailing the attendance clerk. A 24-hour notice is required for teachers when a homework request is made.